Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another Addiction

I find out that I have become very absorbed into the written word. I can't write or read enough.

I am constantly thinking of things that I want to know more about. I think about what I'm going to write about next. Why do I have to have this defect of personality? 

Everything I do seems to become an addiction. I think it helps me not think about things that are really troubling me. (That is what I have heard anyway.) It's an issue of control. 

On some level I realize I can't control what goes on around me so I embed my self  into some interest that will draw my attention and concentration away from that inability to control. Compulsion and obsession keep me from feeling uncomfortable feelings. Some of the time I can't even identify what is troubling me. Although I don't want to have compulsions and obsessions about anything, I have never lived life like that so I don't even know what it feels like not to be in some sort of addiction. 

This is my normal.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paula! You recently commented on my blog, Those Experiencing Poverty. I haven't updated that in almost two years now, but I'm happy to follow you and your experiences.

    Take care,

